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Jill Loach

1950-1959Have you got more information on this listing? Click here to tell us what you know
Jill Loach, an avid theatre-goer, recalls a presentation of a new play by “up and coming” playwright at the time, Harold Pinter, on 5th May 1958:

“His first full length play, The Birthday Party came to the Grand on its pre-London tour in Spring 1958, mystified us and reputedly played on some nights to audiences in single figures – some of whom left in the interval!  Certainly on the night we saw it, the theatre was virtually empty   Afterwards we went round as usual to the stage door clutching autograph books.  “Did you enjoy it?” said John Slater.  “Yes,” we answered honestly.  “Did you understand it?” was the next question and we had to admit we hadn’t got a clue!”
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