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Lindsey Grant

2000-2009Have you got more information on this listing? Click here to tell us what you know
Lindsey Grant’s grandmother danced in professional pantomimes at the Grand in the 1950s; her mother is a dance teacher, and Lindsey herself has already performed in many musicals at the Grand.
"It’s just a total buzz when you go on the stage. At the moment  I’m with MusCom, which is Wolverhampton Musical Comedy Company and we’re rehearsing for West Side Story.  I’m playing one of the Jet girls in it, so I get to do the numbers like America and I Feel Pretty, which are the main numbers in the show.  When I first did The King and I with South Staffs Musical Company in I think it was 2004, I played one of the children – there was about sixty of us – and it was really fun, and this time when I do it, I’m playing one of the lead dancers, so it’s nice to have progressed from child actor to doing some dancing on my own."
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