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Opening Night 1894

Fri, Jan 12 1894Have you got more information on this listing? Click here to tell us what you know
Elaine Mullet’s grandfather and father, both named Tom Latham, have been connected with the Grand since 1894:

“Grandfather came her on the opening night in 1894- he was nine and he fell in love. It was to become part of our blood. Grandfather’s love of opera was born that night. He queued on his own for hours and hours, six old pence, it was a lot of money for a young boy. He was just mesmirsied by it – the noise and the colour, the very personal way theatre is, how it interacts with the audience.He was a bit naughty- he did appropriate a pair of opera glasses, a little piece of history he wanted to keep.”

Pictured are Tom Latham Senior and Junior, alongside Elaine Mullet with the Grand Theatre opera glasses from 1894.
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